Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Developing Good Judgment and Not Judging Others By: Elder Gregory A. Schwitzer

In this lesson we learned about the importance of not judging others. Our judgements about other people are usually incorrect due to "limited information or not seeing beyond what is immediately in front of us".  Judging people in this way draws us further away from the Spirit and distances us in our goal to become one with the Savior.  It prevents us from being filled with charity - the pure love of Christ.
We also learned about the importance of making good judgments as we navigate through difficult decisions in our lives.  Elder Schwitzer provided four guides to help us make choices that lead us towards our Father in Heaven.  They are:
  • First, put your own personal standards in alignment with the gospel of Jesus Christ
  • Second, listen to the messages of the living prophet
  • Third, cultivate with the Holy Spirit a relationship of listening, and
  • Fourth, keep the commandments.
As we follow these guides we are able to make good judgements in our lives and keep our choices more in harmony with the will of the Father.  This allows us to be blessed with the joy and happiness He wants to give us in our lives.
Ultimately we found that making appropriate judgements in our lives will draw us closer to our Heavenly Father whereas inappropriate judgments will push us further away from Him.  We have a responsibility to live with the Holy Ghost as our constant companion in such a way that we avoid negative judgments of others and, on the flip side, discern right from wrong in our individual lives.

~Jenny Shadel

1 comment:

  1. It was an awesome lesson Jenny! Thank you so much for all of your time and preparation!
