Sunday, April 25, 2010

Book of Mormon

Aubrie gave a great lesson on the Book of Mormon - Brianna Williamson had some great things to say:

  1. We read some of the verses from 1 Nephi 8 and talked about the tree of life; how every person was surrounded by mists of darkness and some lost their way and others held to the rod and others held to the rod but eventually let go and lost their way.
  2. I think what really struck me was the at the end Aubrie mentioned a talk that is now a video online in the "Mormon Messages" section of by Elder Holland titled, "Safety for the Soul." One of the quotes that she emphasized was when he told of the importance of reading the Book of Mormon by asking, "If it was delivered by an angel, don't you think it's important and that we should read it?" 
  3. Last, we talked about how the Book of Mormon is here to help us with anything and everything. Aubrie gave us each a Book of Mormon and encouraged us to pray for somebody that we think could use help and personalize that Book of Mormon to them. Aubrie told of a personal story with how she personalized a book to her brother by inserting his name into verses and writing in the margin why certain verses were important to remember.
 Thanks so much to Aubrie and Brianna! Don't forget to read your scriptures daily!

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